
Chitral is a piece of Kyber pakhtunkwa area and it was princly state till 1969. The chitral is in foots of Tirch Mir Peak which is most noteworthy pinnacle of Hindukush go. It was first scalled in 1950 by Norwegian group. Tich mir can be seen from focal bazar of Chitral. Chitral has celebrated Badhshai mosque. Chitral likewise forces air terminal which offer one day by day departure from Islamabad and Peshawar. Most renowned territory of Chitral Region is Kalash ( Kafiristan) which has populace of 2000 Kalashi People. These individuals are non muslims and has there possess religion. These individuals are very surprising from other poeple of Pakistan with there extraordinary culture and differnt religion like no other. There language, nourishment and lifestyle is extraordinary. Chillam jotish is there primary celebration when guests from various pieces of world and household visitor come Pakistan.

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