
Hunza is wonderland of northern territories of Pakistan. Hunza has consistently been renowned in Northern territories of Pakistan as it has been oftentimes recorded in worldwide Magazines, during late 90s Hunza caught universal eye when it included in book front of National Geographic Magazine as “Hunza Road to Heaven”. From that point forward it has satisfied its notoriety of being strange in all climate, vivid like glorious artistic creation deliberately made by God. Hunza is only 102 kilometer away from City of Gilgit. The Gilgit is getting one flight every day from Islamabad Airport by means of Pakistan International Airline. In spite of the fact that the flight is climate dependant as climate in northern regions of Pakistan is extremely flighty.

Hunza has such a large number of spots to Visit and you need abundant time when you choose to contact this piece of Pakistan. Some of prominent territories are principally Karimabad, Duiker, Naltar, Chalt, Nagar Valley ( not part of hunza but rather close Hunza), Gojjal, Passu, Sost Dry port and Khunjerav Top ( Pak China universal Border).

Hunza has celebrated Baltit and Altit post which are safeguarded pleasantly by Agha Khan Foundation so as to preserver the rich culture of Hunza and habitants of Hunza are in every case inviting, exquisite and mindful.

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