
Skardu is 763 Kilometer away from Capital city of Islamabad. Skardu is another amazing spot offering bounty of touring places. Skardu is principally referred to for climbers as matter of certainty all the ways towards universes most elevated pinnacles are drawn closer from here. During Summer season you can generally get look at endeavor tiding there shoes and baggage towards K2 and other neighboring pinnacles. Skardu does groups air terminal and every day flight originates from Islamabad.

Skardu has different lakes which welcomes every guest to see there excellence and began to look all starry eyed at them. Most celebrated lake is Shangrila lakes in khachura district which is counterfeit lake however has got notoriety because of world acclaimed Shangrila resort. Only couple of moments strolls from shangrila resort can take you towards green pool of Upper khachura which is characteristic lake and its warm waters invite swimmers to appreciate here. The Sadpara Lake is one other lake in heart of Skardu city. This blue shading lake is greatest lake in skardu area with huge load of clean water.

Skardu likewise forces barely any strongholds one of them is available in Skardu city up high on mountain. This stronghold has lost its past wonder and couldn’t be protected being at exceptionally high mountain however yet not many individuals reach there and see all skardu underneath. Other two renowned posts are Shiger Fort and Khaplu Fort. Shiger stronghold is close to 40kilometre away from Skardu city on banks of Shyok stream. On the off chance that you go towards Shiger fortification one must have the option to see Cold Desert that is likewise exceptionally renowned among visitors. Khaplu fortification is additionally very celebrated and has rich history this fortress has been safeguarded and now changed over into three beginning inn oversaw by Serena Group of Hotels. In spite of the fact that rates are incredibly high. Khaplu fortress is antiquated post and was worked close to 800 years back. Close Khaplu Fort there is one well known mosque to a great extent knows us Mosque Chanqchan.

Skardu venture never finishes on the off chance that we don’t visit Deosai National park. Deosai National park is only 50kilometre from skardu city. The Deosai national park is second most elevated level on the planet. Deosai national park is renowned for its regular life, Himalayan dark colored bears, Mighty Sheoshar Lake close astore locale.

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